News Script
Features Basic Xtra
For commercial and private use YES YES
Can be used on as many websites as I build YES YES
No adverts or links in the script YES YES
Instant download YES YES
Show headlines and news on any webpage YES YES
Add, edit and delete news YES YES
Show the headlines in any style you choose YES YES
Show the pages in any style you choose YES YES
Include images in both the templates YES x1 YES x2
Upload images with the pages YES YES
Password Protection YES YES
Split the headlines over many pages - YES
Automatic database creation by script YES YES
Search engine for the database - YES
News Ticker for any webpage - YES
News Letter mode - YES
Use HTML code for e.g. table in the text field - YES
Order the headlines by any field (except date) - YES
Generate an RSS feed for your site - YES
Specify the target window/frame to open news items - YES

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